Posts Tagged ‘Odd Medium’

There are very few things in life which are FREE, but many of us still hunt for those elusive free items. So what is wrong with a FREE lollipop? Nothing really, but in this case it turns out to be a little guerrilla marketing effort for Syphilis awareness. Once you unwrap that “lollipop” it turns out you got a condom and an in your face warning. Syphilis is actually FREE too, but Syphilis sucks.

This article is from Guerrilla Marketing Defined.

For more Guerrilla Marketing ideas, examples, check out Guerrilla Cheese Marketing

I always remembered when I was a kid how my Grandma would always give me her change from an old wine jug. Back then, $2.47 in pennies seemed like $100 (almost enough money for an 8 year old to control the world). Now that I’m in my last semester of college, I have started to receive my student loan statements. These statements have shown me that pocket change has once again has become my BFF.  Consultoria Inc., an Advertising firm in Rancho Cucamonga, has taken the extraordinary image of pocket change and wrapped it into a coin sleeve. This guerrilla campaign not only nails the drunk, cheap college student that Taco Bell targets, but its concept is expressed in a way where 79¢ is perceived as less to further exhibit how far pocket change can get you.

For more Guerrilla Marketing ideas, case studies, check out Guerrilla Cheese Marketing.